Vitamins are essential elements that helps in boosting the health and growth in poultry for a sustainable poultry farming. Poultry Layer birds are commercially farmed for their eggs which is a source of high protein with other essential minerals. Generally the raising of layer birds are done under hot and tropical environment which can render the poultry bird and make it highly susceptible to environmental stress . The prevailing high temperature impacts negatively on the production performance and the health of the poultry layers. The heat stress induces production of free radicals that cause damages to the cell and the production of eggs. Ordinary layers who are left with no alternative to this can result in low egg production and high mortality ratio.
With the use of multivitamin together with mineral supplement when added on routine basis with poultry feed in the form of premixes help in increasing the health and improves body weight and production of eggs. Under normal circumstances it is not common to alter the level of vitamin and minerals in the feed. When the level of micronutrients gets low and to provide all vitamins to the body we can use layer multivitamin tonic which provide all nutritional vitamins to the body. Anfaboost AD3E Plus is one of the best vitamin tonic which consist of Vitamin A, D3 E & C for better health and growth of the poultry birds. Regular uses of this helps in removing all kind of vitamin related deficiency and diseases
Or as directed by veterinarian consultants .