“Urocid” is a wonderful turkey gout medicines that are employed for the treatment of urinary organ disorders and gout diseases. Gout is the main disorder within which crystal or stones are accumulated in excretory organs and affects health and kidney performance. Uric acid is an associate end product of proteins and is generally excreted from the kidney. To breakdown of uric acid and other proteins, enzymes are used because it is insoluble in water and once birds lack in enzyme there's no any breakdown of acid and it started accumulating in the kidney as stones or crystals which affects the health of the excretory organ. So as to cure these diseases and removes all the stones or crystal from them there is a need of gout medicines which helps in extraction out all these stones. Urocid is one of the best medicines which helps in this situation. It is a combination of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, Ammonium Chloride, Vitamin C & Cytosine.
Turkey: - 3ml-5ml for 3 to 5 days.
Turkey: - 5ml-10ml for 3 to 5 days.
Mild Infection: 1ml-2ml/7kg of bird weight.
Severe Infection: 1ml-2ml/5Kg of Bird Weight.
Or, as directed by veterinarian consultant.